Do It, Girl!

10 Jan

So it’s a new year. 2012.

The last year of the Mayan calendar.

And you know what that means….


…or not so much.

Anyway, this year is going to be a good one. It better be.

It better kick 2011 in the butt. For reals.


I am one of those people who think creating New Years Resolutions is useless because you can have a resolution any time through out the year.

But at the same time, starting off the year with a fresh start and perspective is nice.

As long as you actually stick with everything.

So, here I am, with some goals…

1. Go on a flippin’ vacation.

When you are single, a vacation is notΒ having to be responsible for anyone but yourself. At least that is what i need. I haven’t been on a legitimate vacation since…well, it’s been a good three years. And I need one. I need to get away, be secluded, spend time with Jesus. I think I’m gonna go to Charleston, SC. I even found a hostel there (I will get a private room, still cheaper than a hotel.)

2. Stick to my budget.

I cannot tell you just how many times I write out my budget…only to not put it to work. That’s gonna change this year.

3. Operation Move Out: Find a house, more roommates, and glorify Jesus through it. Hopefully this house will be in Snohomish, my most favorite little big town πŸ™‚

4. Jesus time: I know the same could be said of most of you, too. We all feel called to give Jesus more of our time. And I truly want to put that into action, too. I want to be one of those people who can get up earlier than needed and do a devo while drinking coffee and watching the sun come up. I know i can do it…I just need to do it.

5. Go to more concerts: NEEDTOBREATHE is coming in March with Ben Rector (both artists I’ve really come to enjoy these last couple months!) Sooo excited! Lecrae and Tenth Avenue North (and others) are coming in March, too. And Mat Kearney is coming in February! And I’m sure countless others. I really want to see The Avett Brothers…and of course, Lifehouse. πŸ™‚

6. I want to do more things with my friends. We fall into these times (especially in the Fall and Winter) where we just watch movies. I want to go on adventures. Make the most of this year with each other and our youthfulness πŸ™‚

7. I know there is one that’s obvious, but I just can’t think of it. πŸ™‚

8. But a camera. Just a point and shoot, but a camera nonetheless. That way I don’t have sub-par/low quality cell phone pictures to share πŸ™‚

9. Read more books…and FINISH them! With The Hunger Games AND Blue Like Jazz AND The Lucky One all coming to the big screen this year…I want to read (or re-read) more books.

10. Go a week each month DAIRY free! And maybe, even possibly, gluten free. We’ll see. I think I also want my blood tested for all the things I am sensitive to.

So here ya go!

What are YOUR goals for the year???

Now here is an awesome printout I came across from another blog. There are quite a few – and I have an awesome project in mind.

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